School Principals

Victor Tam
"Education is the realization of hope for the future."

Albert Einstein
​"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school."

Abraham Lincoln
"The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government
in the next."
The first principal
The first principal was Rev. Thomas Peyton (1845 - 1852). He compared his students favorably to English students at a time when European racial prejudice against Africans was profound.
The first African principal was James Quaker (1861-1882), a former student of the Church Mission Society College in London. The Reverend Obadiah Moore was a graduate of the school who became principal after studying at Fourah Bay College and at Monkton Combe School near Bath in England, and holding other teaching positions.
T.C. John, a Hausa, was taught at the Sierra Leone Grammar school and later became a Master, Vice-Principal and then in 1920 Principal of the school. In 1933 he was consecrated Assistant Bishop of the Niger. When he died on 26 January 1936 it was discovered that no provision had been made to pay a pension to his widow, but the church made no immediate move to rectify the problem.
A full list of principals
Rev. Thomas Peyton 1845 - 1852
Rev. John Milward 1852 - 1859
Rev. James Quaker 1861 - 1882
Rev.Can on Obadiah Moore 1882 - 1905
Rev. George G. Garrett 1906 - 1912
Rev. Henry Dallimore 1914 - 1920
Bishop T.C. John 1920 - 1933
Bishop T.S Johnson 1933 - 1936
Rev. P. Hycy Wilson 1937 - 1947
Rev. E.D.C Clarke 1947 - 1952
Mr. Frank Wood 1952 - 1964
Very Revd. G.O.L Palmer 1964 - 1970
Rev. H.G.B Davies (Acting) 1970 - 1971
Rev. V.J.Hasting-Spaine 1971 - 1985
Mr. Akiwande J. Lasite 1985 to date